Tagged: making the switch from .com to .org

A Big Announcement About bedsidesign

I’m amazed that November is almost over. You know what that means – I’m wrapping up my month of refocusing – branding – and redesign. To be honest I’m so ready to move on from this month [in a good way]. I’ve learned a lot about myself, what makes me happy as a blogger and where I wanna take bedsidesign. I initially planned on launching my redesign somewhere in the middle of December but I am just about ready.

Guess what that means friends?

tune in on December 3 for bedsidesign launching as wordpress.org

[photo creds: one | two ]

I’m thrilled to share the story behind this month. I was so pleasantly surprised by how positive this month has been. A daunting task turned into a great learning experience. Are you excited? Here’s a few more things to get you pumped up:

As of Monday, December 3 bedsidesign will use Passionfruit Ads for all ad space. I am EXTREMELY excited about this. Please feel free to book some button swaps, or larger ad space or contact me for product reviews/giveaways or collaborations.

I will be adding a contributor to bedsidesign. I know…this is such a tease. I promise you’ll find out more on Monday.

OH, did I mention I will be using the wordpress.org platform? Hallelujah. No more baby blog! I will finally be able to control things [I’m not a control freak I swear!]. I’m excited to share how I made the transition from wordpress.com to wordpress.org and the friends that helped me along the way. If you are thinking about making the plunge you won’t want to miss out on this!

A new look, new ads, new contributor, new platform – what else am I cooking up? Just a few more blog series. That’s right, I was going to wait until January but I just can’t keep them in the shadows.

Thanks for sticking with me through all of this. Your comments, encouragement and support has helped fuel me this month. xo


Next week when I join this link-up I will finally be able to enter the code that shows all the other awesome bloggers that link up too.